Top 5 tools to develop coding skills

How’s it going, Bobcats? Luis here. It’s over halfway through the semester now, and our tech team is excited to continue sharing with you great tools we have found to improve your skills.

Learning how to code is becoming a vital skill these days. Whether you’re developing products for a hobby or for your career, it never hurts to learn another language, especially one that powers tools we use every day.

Learning how to code (HTML, CSS, Python etc.) is becoming a great skill to add to your résumé. Here are our Top 5 free, online resources that you can start using right away to help you develop your coding skills.

  1. is a great starter website for people of all ages. From grade school to beyond the 12th grade, this website helps people start from the ground up. Educators can utilize this website to encourage students to learn the language of technology. Learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript to develop all sorts of websites and games.
  2. Sublime TextSublime Text logoSublime is a text editor to build your code on. The great thing about Sublime is it will color code your work so you can see what’s working and what isn’t. This is a free app to download on both Mac and PC.
  3. HTML Cheat SheetHTML 5 logo
    Learning a new language isn’t easy, but with practice comes development of skills. Using resources like this HTML Cheat Sheet gives you a tool to keep easily accessible. Look up tags, attributes, and all things HTML5 with this cheat sheet.
  4. ScratchPadScratchPad welcome ScratchPad is my favorite practice tool. It is a web-based instant HTML and CSS editor. That means that as you edit the code, the page you are on changes with the code changes. You really get to mess around with this sandbox editing tool.
  5. Lyndalynda logoDOIT provides Texas State with over 150 tech services. One of them, includes all sorts of tutorials. The tutorials are created by professionals and certified by Lynda. With thousands of courses, you have many new skills you could be learning.

I encourage all Bobcats to try and learn some code! Show us what you can create!

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