20 for ’20 Initiative

20 for ’20 Initiative

As an initiative for calendar year 2020, the Division of Information Technology (DOIT) launched an internal campaign we are calling “20 for ‘20.” We’ve sought out to identify 20 things our division can implement in 2020 to help initiate more digitalization of our products and services at Texas State. By “digitalization” I mean “the use of digital technologies to change a business model and provide new revenue and value-producing opportunities; it is the process of moving to a digital business (Gartner, Inc).” I see the 20 for ’20 initiative as the beginning of a journey, the initial step toward a larger goal. As such, we asked our staff members to submit their ideas for projects that are simple, but noticeable, and could be accomplished within the calendar year.

We received over 80 great ideas and have selected 20 as areas of focus for this year. Among them were ideas like website smart forms, mobile identification of spaces and items, digital signage, real-time computer lab usage, tiny URL’s, increased usage of electronic signatures, and more. My hope is this exercise will net some positive and efficient changes for our campus, and put a spotlight on what good applications of technology can do for our students and the university. I look forward to keeping everyone up to date on our progress with this ambitious endeavor.

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