Emailing like a pro: 6 tips for college students

Emailing like a pro: 6 tips for college students

Post originally published on June 12, 2023. Updated on March 19, 2024. 

Mastering the art of emailing is essential, especially for college students gearing up for the professional world. Whether you’re reaching out to professors, potential employers, or colleagues, your emails are often the first impression you’ll make. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that your emails exude professionalism and clarity. Here are six major tips for crafting professional emails: 

1. Know the purpose

Have you ever tried to read an email so confusing you just wanted to hit “delete?” I’ve been there before, and it’s not an enjoyable place to be, especially when a jumbled email requires me to reply or complete a task. It might sound simple, but before you write an email, make sure you know its purpose. Also, make sure the purpose is clear to your reader.

Establish the purpose in the opening lines of your message. This sets the tone for the rest of the message and helps the recipient understand your expectations. It might be tempting to discuss multiple unrelated items in a single email but stay on topic as much as possible to get the desired response from your reader.

2. Subject lines matter

Two words should be on repeat in your head when writing an email: “clear” and “concise.” That’s what your subject lines should be – clear, concise, and straight to the point. If the message requires the reader to act, timely action especially, it’s wise to note that in the subject line. For instance, add “For review” or “Action required” to the subject line to give the recipient at-a-glance notice.

3. Say “No” to all caps

The tone of your email is just as important as the message. Unfortunately, tone can be easily misinterpreted. For example, writing messages in all caps (please don’t do this) makes it seem like you’re “yelling” at the reader. Also, using overly formal language can come across as stiff and impersonal. However, be cautious not to use overly casual language, which can be perceived as unprofessional. Instead, use clear and concise language to convey your message to the reader.

4. Formatting is key

Just as important as its tone is your email’s format. Make sure to add a salutation (“Dear Professor John,”) and a closing (“Sincerely,” or “Best regards,” are staples). Open your message with your key points and avoid SMS slang and “text speak.” If your message is lengthy, consider using bullets to outline your points.

5. Proofreading is a must

It’s easy to skip this step when you’re in a hurry. Don’t make this mistake. Proofreading is one of the most important aspects of email sending. Avoid embarrassing mistakes by taking a few extra minutes to review your message.

One easy way to proofread is by taking advantage of your device’s accessibility tools and having a screen reader read the message aloud to you. Or you can simply read it aloud yourself. Our brains insert and correct words for us when we read silently, so hearing the message read aloud is essential.

Ensure all necessary recipients are included and any attachments or links are working correctly. If time permits, it’s also a good idea to draft the email and come back to it later for a final review before sending (especially for highly important messages, e.g., emails to your professors).

6. Give a timely response

The business world is fast paced. Although it’s not reasonable to expect an immediate email response, when you receive an email, it’s best practice to respond promptly. Responding within 24-48 hours shows you’re engaged and organized. If you are unavailable for an extended period, remember to set up your email account to send automatic replies. Doing so will set reasonable expectations for your colleagues.

Learning resources

For a deeper dive into email etiquette, here are a few LinkedIn Learning courses that may be of interest.

 Angela Smith is a marketing and promotions coordinator for the IT Marketing and Communications Office.  

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