Bobcatmail accounts are protected

Bobcatmail accounts are protected

From a student perspective, not a lot of time is put into thinking about the background behind campus features that we use daily. It’s easy to let the websites we use and the emails we receive blend into the white noise of our busy lives, but I wanted to take the time to dig in a little deeper to the services that help us be productive and on top of our schoolwork.

Did you know there are upwards of 650,000 emails that fly in and out of Texas State BobcatMail inboxes daily, and that roughly 250,000 of those emails are spam? The emails we receive go through a series of defensive measures to keep your inbox healthy, including protective filters that prevent our inboxes from being jam-packed of phishing attempts, malware, and other unsolicited messages. These spam emails are then caught and held, which save our personal tech from possible hacking and phishing attempts. As a student, you can help by being aware the emails you open and make sure to report any spam emails that wriggle through the cracks.

This is just one example of the behind-the-scenes superpowers of Texas State services. An incredible amount of effort goes into ensuring the safety of our school in even the most inconspicuous ways.

Eva Nobles is a freshman majoring in advertising and a student employee in the IT Assistance Center.

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