University Library available to help remotely

University Library available to help remotely

On-campus classes are not being held right now, but the University Library is still helping Texas State students by offering many remote services while we navigate the rest of the semester digitally. Be sure to follow the Alkek Library Twitter, where they talk about the many services they’re offering Bobcats. If you haven’t before, now is a good time to check out their services:

Research services

Chatting with a subject librarian has never been easier! You can schedule a Zoom meeting or a phone call to get assistance with research consultations, or start a chat with Ask a Librarian. Librarians are available Monday to Thrusday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Fridays 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., Sundays 12 p.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturdays are closed. Find your subject librarian.

Subject guides

A student looks at her laptop and is studying.

Librarians put together hundreds of guides covering 56 subjects that offer tips, suggest resources, and help you discover more on each topic. A quick way to access the Subject Guides page is by clicking on the “Guides” button under the search bar from the University Library website’s home page.

Circulation services

A pile of books sit on a table.

If you managed to check something out before spring break, there is no need to worry as the due dates for circulating materials have been extended to May 15. However, the extension does not apply to any short-term loans, such as reserve items, laptops, calculators, or other equipment.

eBooks, eJournals, & streaming media

A woman touches a tablet while on a couch.

The use of digital materials such as eBooks, eJournals, and streaming media is still available. When searching the library catalog, you can filter to a specific category before or after searching. These services are not just limited to research, as there are also music and movies of various genres that you can access for entertainment. If you cannot find what you are looking for, you can also go directly to the vendor listed on the University Library’s Steaming Media page.

Temporarily opened resources

National Geographic website page.

Many libraries and publishers are temporarily opening up online resources that would typically only be available for a fee. To help students find the source materials that they need, the library has compiled a list of available resources on their Remote Services page and continues to update it as more resources become available.

Chantal Lesley is a marketing and communications specialist student employee in the IT Marketing and Communications office.

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