HTML 101: Using markup language to design online 

HTML 101: Using markup language to design online 

Hypertext Markup Language, or HTMLis a programming language and the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. Writing and understanding HTML allows the user to create and structure sections such as headings, links, and paragraphs for web pages and applications, making the look and feel elevated overall. Honestly, learning a new language to use online seemed intimidating at first. Writing, let alone reading HTML as a design language, is a bit complicated until you try it, but let me help you!  

The average website includes several different HTML pages, each page having its own separate HTML document. Each HTML page consists of a set of tags which are the building blocks of web pages. These will create sections, headings, paragraphs, quote blocks, and other things like that. 

There are two main types of tags: block-level and inline. Regardless of their type, most HTML elements have an opening and a closing that use the <tag></tag> syntax. Block-level tags take up a new line in a document, creating structure. Inline elements only take up the space they need, simply inserting content or editing text. For example: 


<p><h1>Hello! My name is Faith.</p></h1> 


The block-level HTML, in this case “body,” formats the inline HTML, which format the sentences insideA simple way to think of it is to sandwich inline HTML with block-level HTML. 

Every HTML document must contain these 3 block level tags: <html>, <head>, and <body>. The <html> tag basically sandwiches the entirety of your HTML document; you will open it at the beginning and close it at the end. It simply tells the content loader that that section of text is all HTML. The <head> tag creates your title or header for your page and <body> contains all the content in your page. Inline tags are mostly used to format text, such as making something bold or in italics. Hyperlinks and images are also considered inline tags. 

There are currently 140 HTML tags and, of course like all technology, it is ever evolving. These are just the basics, and I’m sure even that is a little overwhelming, but there are lots of HTML cheat sheets out there with all the tags listed out and explained as well. I also learned a lot from LinkedIn Learning’s HTML Essential Training, which is totally free to all TXST Bobcats. 

Whether you’re destined to become a Computer Information Systems guru or just want to customize your blog website to its highest potential, learning HTML is an impressive (and easy) skill to have on your resume. Plus, all the tools you need as a successful Bobcat are right at your fingertips. Jump on it and build your skills! 

Faith Francke is a senior majoring in photography and a student employee in the IT Assistance Center.

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