Canvas has a new accessibility ally

Canvas has a new accessibility ally

Texas State University is committed to providing all Bobcats with a supportive and inclusive educational environment. If you create or manage websites, this commitment means ensuring your published content is digitally accessible and ADA-compliant. 

Canvas has a new accessibility ally   

To help faculty and staff create accessible content, Canvas has updated the Accessibility Checker embedded in its Rich Content Editor (“RCE”) to include a notification feature. These notifications offer real-time support and guidance as you create digital content.  

Common accessibility issues

Accessible digital content reduces barriers to understanding and ensures equal access to information. Common accessibility issues include insufficient text size, inadequate color contrast, nondescriptive text for hyperlinks, and absent or ambiguous alternative text for images.  

Canvas’ Accessibility Checker updated 

A recent update to the Accessibility Checker integrated into the Canvas RCE makes writing accessible content easier. As you create and edit content, notifications alert you to accessibility concerns. These notifications will appear as bubbles next to the Accessibility Checker button, found just below the RCE. The notifications then guide you through revisions. 


To make the most of this Canvas update and ensure your digital content is accessible, notifications have been enabled by default. If notifications do not appear next to your Accessibility Checker, this short video explains how to enable them. The process is quick and easy, and these notifications provide you with clear and actionable help as you create your accessible content. 

For more information, please email our electronic information resources accessibility coordinator at 

Kimberly Conner is a copywriter and editor in the IT Marketing and Communications office. 

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