Summer fun with LinkedIn Learning

Summer fun with LinkedIn Learning

Summer break is a great time to prepare for the upcoming fall semester, relax, and pick up new hobbies. While you may be tempted to spend your free time scrolling through social media and relaxing at Sewell, LinkedIn Learning has courses to keep you entertained this summer break.

Drawing 101

If you’ve ever found yourself aimlessly doodling on scrap pieces of paper in class, you might be interested in improving those skills through one of the many drawing foundation courses on LinkedIn Learning. One of the most popular foundation courses is called Drawing Foundations: Fundamentals, outlining drawing theory while completing different assignments. There are fun exercises such as the 21-Day Drawing Challenge or 5-Day Drawing Challenge: Drawing Inspiration, as well.

Play an instrument

Summer presents a great opportunity to learn how to play an instrument or improve upon your current skills. If you’ve ever wished to play the guitar, the Beginning Acoustic Guitar Music Lessons or Electric Bass Lesson: Fundamentals courses could be a great fit for you! There are Piano Lessons: Teach Yourself to Play and Learning Music Notation courses for those interested in playing the keyboard. LinkedIn Learning also offers advanced courses for more experienced instrumentalists.

Improve your writing

While you may be burnt out from writing essays this past semester, LinkedIn Learning provides helpful courses to help improve your writing skills. You can hone your skills with courses such as Writing with Flair: How to Become an Exceptional Writer and Ninja Writing: The Four Levels of Writing Mastery. There are more specific courses to help with Writing a Resume and Writing a Compelling Blog Post, as well.

Photography skills

You most likely have experience shooting with your smartphone already, however, you can build upon these skills with the various photography courses offered through LinkedIn Learning. Beginner courses such as Introduction to Photography and Photography Foundations: Mobile Photography can help you improve your current skillset. There are courses such as Learning Food and Drink Photography and Learning Wedding Photography for individuals wanting to focus on photography involving a specific subject.

Editing basics

There are various editing courses for photographers interested in improving those skills, such as Lightroom Classic Essential Training and Photoshop Step-by-Step. Simple Photo Edits on your Phone is a helpful course for less advanced photographers wanting to improve their editing techniques. Regardless of your current skillset or equipment, LinkedIn Learning offers courses for individuals with varying levels of experience.

Do you have a favorite LinkedIn Learning course to share? Join the conversation below in the comments section!

Kadence MaKenna is a former student creative copywriter for IT Marketing and Communications.

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