Building community with technology

Building community with technology

In a time where we are being asked to distance ourselves and stay home, it is important for us to still build community and lean on each other. I wanted to share with other students ways that they can use technology to stay connected with friends, family, and community.


Are you missing those weekly student org meetings or your Tuesday night dinner group? While you aren’t meeting in-person, these meetings don’t have to stop. Plan out a schedule to help maintain these events with virtual meetings. Texas State students have access to Zoom and can use it for weekly check-ins or even a night of hanging out. Students can use it much as they want to speak with fellow students.


Among the hardship that is happening many are still finding ways to celebrate birthdays, accomplishments, anniversaries etc. Get creative and celebrate through virtual parties on Zoom! Make them themed or even a surprise, whatever you come up with will bring joy to everyone around. In years to come we can all look back and remember, “that year when we had those “unique” celebrations.”


Another technology tool that helps you stay connected is one that fits right in the palm of your handmobile phones. Take a few minutes each week to scroll through your contacts and send some encouragement to friends and family. I’m sure we all know of others who were searching for a job, not enjoying the transition to online school, or a person needing some positivity. Actions like these can make a major difference in another person’s day and help everyone maintain connections.


Many people have never taken online classes and are use to being with others for all assignments or preparation for a test. Reach out to those study buddies and plan a weekly Zoom meeting where you all can bring your brains together and finish the assignment or exchange those at home hacks to being productive. Office 365 also offers many great tools, such as OneNote and the ability to collaborate online in tools like Word and PowerPoint, that can help make working online easier.

Have fun!

Finished all your school work for the week and looking for something fun to do? There are many online sources now where you can play games with friends. Schedule with them a night online to Zoom and open a browser together that allows everyone to play card or board games.

Here are some suggested activities online that you can do together:

Lacie Aden is marketing and communications specialist student employee in the IT Marketing and Communications office.

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