Teams is your remote office, work from anywhere

Teams is your remote office, work from anywhere

COVID-19 and social distancing continues to change the office culture, the way Texas State faculty and staff teach, work together, and how we connect with friends and family. With this change, we are challenged to find new ways to accomplish all our school, work, and social goals.

The Teams app, in Microsoft Office 365, provides excellent ways for us to do our daily tasks, communicate, and work more efficiently with others while we are apart. The newest feature available to faculty and staff, is the calling feature for voice and video calling to anyone, even if they are not using Teams. Make and receive calls in Teams, from anywhere, right through a computer or mobile device.

Teams is your remote office that allows you to remain organized and access all you need in one place. Explore the many other ways to collaborate, such as:

Instantly message with an individual, group, or channel and easily add people to conversations. Emojis and gifs are available to use and show your personality in chats.

In addition to chat messages, you can also store, collaborate, and share using Word, PowerPoint, and Excel documents and files all in real-time. All of these connect to your Office 365 suite for easy and quick access.

Coupled with chat and collaborating, you can schedule and hold video meetings and conferencing, share documents and files through screen share, and even invite others to review and edit documents all at the same time.

Visit ourĀ Microsoft Teams webpage to learn more and get started.

Rebecca Ormsby is communication specialist in the IT Marketing and Communications office.

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