Bobcats have fun virtually at Alkek Maker Day

Bobcats have fun virtually at Alkek Maker Day

Alkek Library hosted a virtual Maker Day event yesterday with a ton of fun and informative events. It included a tour of the first floor of Alkek, workshops on how to make handspun yarn and beginner crocheting, and more. I hope Bobcats had a good time. Here are some highlights from the virtual event.

Alkek One and Maker Space Tour/Demos

Maker Space coordinator Noah Brock gave a virtual tour of Alkek One. Bobcats had a chance to see how the renovation of the first floor of Alkek is shaping up and what services will be offered. Alkek One will be the hub of technology-focused spaces located on the first floor of the Alkek Library. It offers multiple spaces for specific purposes including the DesignSpace, GeoSpace, Immersion Studio, Maker Space, and YouStar studios. There will also be micro-credentialing programs offered to show proficiency using the new digital tools and technologies in Alkek One. Learn more about Alkek One.

Image of Alkek One vacuum forming machine.
Alkek One vacuum forming machine.
Image showing Alkek One 3D printers
Alkek One 3D printers.
Image of vacuum forming car
Example of vacuum forming.

Learning how to make handspun yarn

Learning to make yarn

Candace Pauly explained the process of making yarn from searing the sheep, treating fleece for spinning, spinning the yarn, the different ways and machines to spin yarn, and how to dye the yarn. She even explained the complicated process of Bison Down and the difficulties of getting the fiber. If you’re interested in learning more about the world of yarn making check out Candance’s website.

Image of swing arm wool picker
Swing Arm Wool Picker

Getting started with crocheting

User experience librarian Tricia Boucher taught Bobcats crocheting basics with her workshop. She showed intro to crocheting including how to crochet using a regular household item like a pen, basic crocheting techniques, as well as unique ways to crochet.

Using a pen to crochet.
Using a pen to crochet.
Image of a crochet pattern.
Image of a crochet pattern.

The Alkek Library virtual Maker Day was a fun event full of informative information about Alkek renovations and maker tips and tricks using household items. While this semester’s events are over, University Libraries holds them every semester, so be sure to keep an eye out for the next one.

Cedrik Chavez is marketing and communications specialist student employee in the IT Marketing and Communications office.

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