5 tips for an effective morning routine in college

5 tips for an effective morning routine in college

College can be STRESSFUL, y’all. Numerous experts have made lists regarding what the best morning routine is for students, but let’s face it; we’re all different and have our own system that works for usWhether your classes are online or inperson, having a good morning routine is the best way to set up your day for success. Being on time to classes and being prepared when you get there is extremely important to impress your professors, especially in smaller classes! Here’s what I focus on to thrive in the college setting: 

Pack your stuff for class the night before 

The best practice of having a morning routine is to actually start it the night before. This prevents fallout if you oversleep or something else disrupts your usual routine. Having your things already ready sets you up to be successful the next day. Simply put assignments back in your bag after you finish working on them or pile all your equipment together by the door. 

Set multiple alarms or allow buffer time for snoozes  

We all have mornings when the snooze button is just too close to resist. I for one, have to set multiple alarms just in case! Planning for mornings where getting out of bed is the last thing you want to do will help you still be ready on time without having to rush.  

Get the day started right with breakfast and good music/podcasts 

Eating food in the morning jump starts your body and gives you much needed energy that your body metabolized overnight. While prepping my morning meal, I love to listen to music that wakes me up or a funny podcast on Spotify (which, as a student, you get a discount for Spotify Premium Student). 

Make a plan for the day ahead  

For me, this is the most important habit. Most likely, your schedule has a lot of gaps between classes. As much as we all want to spend those breaks laughing with friends or relaxing, the best thing to do with that time is to start or finish assignments. I accomplish this by setting appointments and important to-do’s in my Outlook calendar, which then shoots me reminders when I need them. Sometimes I even set reminders in my calendar like “you’ve got this,” which help me take a deep breath during hard parts of my day. Taking advantage of those small breaks will help prevent those dreaded all-nighters to finish assignments.  

Stick to your routine 

The most important thing in a morning routine is for it to be that, a routine. Although every day is different, having a routine and doing it consistently is the most important habit to have. With this, excelling and become a successful college student will seem like a breeze. 

Faith Francke is a senior majoring in photography and a student employee in the IT Assistance Center.

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