Link learners to instruction with LinkedIn Learning

Link learners to instruction with LinkedIn Learning

What is LinkedIn Learning?

You may be familiar with the thriving professional network that is LinkedIn, and you might even have a LinkedIn profile. However, not everyone has heard of the dynamic on-demand video repository LinkedIn Learning. All Texas State employees and students have access to this vast knowledge bank.

What does LinkedIn Learning offer?

After entering your Texas State credentials, you can browse hundreds of videos organized under three broad categories: Business, Creative, and Technology. Use the search bar to type in any keyword applicable to your interest to see what is offered. LinkedIn Learning is dynamic, reliable, and amazingly easy to use.

Can I teach with LinkedIn Learning?

Yes! LinkedIn Learning can be a valuable tool for faculty. For an overview of how LinkedIn Learning can support your teaching, check out the thorough and informative video series, “Teaching with LinkedIn Learning.” LinkedIn Learning is powered by subject experts whose voices add diversity to learning and who share information in a way that appeals to different learning styles.

Why is LinkedIn Learning useful to me?

Do your students need a refresher on citing resources? The video “What is citation and why cite?” offers learners reminders and valuable tips for citing sources. Say you want your students to produce a resumé, but it would be helpful to hear from an industry expert on the subject before they begin. The video course “Writing a Resume” would help students get started! Are you an art instructor focusing on portraiture? The insights provided by painter Amy Wynne in her series, “Figure Drawing: The Portrait,” could prove especially useful.

Is LinkedIn Learning customizable?

Absolutely. Only you decide how to use LinkedIn Learning as an asset for your coursework. The best part is this: You curate resources in a way that best supports your course and learners. LinkedIn Learning is constantly updated, so new ways to link learners to your subject area are just a search bar away!

Kimberly Conner is a copy editor for IT Marketing and Communications.

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