LinkedIn Learning courses you should check out!

LinkedIn Learning courses you should check out!

As a fellow Texas State University student, we are given a lot of free things, whether that’s random club T-shirts, Texas State merchandise given out at events, or even LinkedIn Learning! This online learning platform allows us to learn key skills from experts in and out of our future fields. I’ve compiled some of my favorite courses and I suggest get you started with these:

1. What is the Metaverse

This course is a good one for someone still begging the question of what exactly the metaverse entails and how it could potentially affect our future, good or bad. The course is currently sitting at 4.6 – 5 stars, and I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in tech or just curious about how it works in our society!

2. The Six Morning Habits of High Performers

The Six Morning Habits Course was a great one to watch, as recently I have tried to become more habitual in my mornings. This starts with the smallest of habits, including making my bed, taking the time to make coffee before I hop on the shuttle, and so on. This course gave me some great do’s and don’ts, and I would recommend checking this out if you are interested in trying to become that “morning person.” Even if you’re just looking slow down, take your time, and learn to enjoy the morning sun, this course is for you.

3. Creativity For All

For me, creativity was something I just recently started to play around with. When playing instruments, I love changing one note in a song just to see how it would sound. When looking at someone’s art, getting to experience what the artist is feeling through their art form is nothing short of spectacular. Ben Long discovers and converses with other artists around the world to talk about those feelings of how and why we should lean into that creative process and why it’s important for us to do so. I would recommend this course to everyone because expressing creativity is human nature. It should be displayed as well as practiced!

I hope this gives you a little insight on some of the great courses you can find on LinkedIn Learning as this only scratches the surface of what is available at Texas State! There are a ton of valuable lessons and self-paced modules for students that will save you a lot of time, but also, catapult your learning altogether.

Kelton Rozell is a sophomore majoring in computer science and a UX/UI designer student employee in the IT Assistance Center.

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